The scoring system for DDR 4th Mix (including 4th Mix Plus, Konamix and Extra Mix) is as follows:

The scoring system in DDR 4th Mix/Plus is considerably simple (compared to the 3rd Mix). Note: this scoring system is also featured in DDR Gameboy 3.
For each step:

For each step, if you are continuing a combo, you will get a combo bonus (for every step) which is: This includes the fact that a combo of 1 will also get a combo bonus

To illustrate (we don't need the number of steps in the song since the scoring system does not base itself on that):

...and so on

Your stage Grade is calculated as follows:

Grading system derived by Taren N.

DDR 4th/Extra Mix Home Version Endless Mode Scoring

Let C = your combo after stepping.
Let S = your current stage number.

If stage is less than 6, replace (S-5) with (1) in the formulas above.

Suppose I have a 41 combo on Stage 125. I get a Perfect for my 42nd combo. I receive...

Grading system and Endless scoring derived by Taren N.

Point of Interest: In regular/nonstop mode, a string of 2447 perfects in a row will overflow the score counter. When you exceed 1,000,000,000 points, the counter only registers 999,999,999.

Note to self: Endless scoring needs revision. My example doesn't come out right according to this picture. In the picture, the rolling digits mean that the step was worth between 11,100,000,000 and 99,900,000,000 points.


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